  • PRO TV
  • Refuza sa le dezvaluie oamenilor sexul copilului lor. Motivul pentru care acesti parinti au luat o asemenea decizie

Refuza sa le dezvaluie oamenilor sexul copilului lor. Motivul pentru care acesti parinti au luat o asemenea decizie

Refuza sa le dezvaluie oamenilor sexul copilului lor. Motivul pentru care acesti parinti au luat o asemenea decizie

Kyl si Brent Myer sustin miscarea Gender Creative Parenting si au decis sa isi creasca copilul intr-un mediu lipsit de stereotipuri de gen sau alte presiuni sociale si discriminari. 

Copilul lor se numeste Zoomer si este extrem de popular pe retele de socializare, acolo unde parintii sai au un cont intitulat "raisingzoomer".

Kyl si Brent locuiesc in Utah si au decis impreuna sa nu le dezvaluie oamenilor daca Zoomer este baietel sau fetita.Copilul are acum doi ani, iar sexul sau este cunoscut doar de catre rudele de gradul I. 

"Sexul nu ne spune nimic despre personalitatea copilului, temperamentul sau, culorile preferate, preferintele culinare, simtul umorului, atitudinea cu privire la schimbarile climatice sau orice alte trairi pe care le are", a scris mama lui Zoomer pe blog-ul sau.


Hi! We’ve made quite a few new friends since Alex Morris’ #THEYBY article came out in @NYmag and @TheCut this week. We want to introduce ourselves to you and welcome you into our world! I’m Kyl, Zoomer’s mom, Brent is Zoomer’s dad, and Zoomer is our incredible little toddler. Brent and I practice gender creative parenting. We didn’t assign a gender to Zoomer, we don’t disclose their sex to people who don’t need to know, and we use gender-neutral pronouns for Zoomer (they/them/their). We actively work to provide Zoomer with an environment that celebrates their individuality. We expose them to all kinds of toys, clothes, colors and activities and we encourage their interests and self-expression. Parenting this way has certainly reduced Zoomer’s experiences with gendered micro-aggressions and stereotypes. Additionally, we actively strive to teach Zoomer about diversity, inclusion, equality, autonomy, and social justice. We are able to do this with an amazing network of supportive and loving family members, friends, and caretakers. We are very proud and confident about our decision to raise Zoomer this way and we felt a responsibility to be a resource for people who are interested in learning more about gender creative parenting. As you’ll see, there is virtually NO negativity on our account. We are proud of the community we have cultivated here and we intentionally created a space that is accessible, respectful, kind and fun. We’re happy you’re here. Check out our website RaisingZoomer.com and my TEDx talk (google “Kyl Myers TED talk”). We hope you find what you’re looking for. Feel free to DM us with your questions. And if you feel so inclined, we’d love to know more about you! ⭐️ What’s your name, where are you from, and what brought you here? ⭐️ ???? - The Courtney-Myers Family

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Parintii copilului spun ca micutul isi va alege singur genul atunci cand va avea trei sau patru ani. 

"Suntem de parere ca nu trebuie sa decidem pentru el. Datorita faptului ca nu ii dezvaluim sexul si il tratam ca pe un individ creativ, Z va avea libertatea sa isi exploreze si contruiasca propria identitate, fara a fi constrans de asteptari sau normele traditionale care vizeaza genul", a mai spus mama copilului.

De-a lungul timpului, sociologii si psihologii au studiat efectele negative pe care stereotipurile de gen le au asupra dezvoltarii copiilor. Nu de putine ori auzim ca fetitele trebuie sa se imbrace in rochite, iar baietii trebuie sa se joace cu masinute. 

Kyl si Brent spun ca acesta este modul in care ei au ales sa promoveze egalitatea intre sexe si considera ca este cea mai buna metoda prin care isi pot creste copilul lipsit de prejudecati. 


Zoomer Coyote, you’ll be two next month. You are the most amazing child I could have ever hoped for. You are so silly, which is one of my favorite things about you. From the moment you wake up, we’re interactive audience members of the Zoomer Show. You throw your blankets and stuffed animals out of the crib and turn in dizzying circles while making funny sounds like “blubalopalobulab” until you fall down. You laugh, get up, and do it again. You’ve become more picky about what you’re wearing. Daddy will start putting a shirt on you and you’ll say “No” with vigor so daddy has started to give you options so you can choose your own outfit. When I picked you up from school, your teacher told me you were very interested in your friend’s painted toenails and pulled on their toes. So I painted your left foot pink and your right foot teal. You were fascinated by the process and seem to like your colorful toes. You are so friendly and you say hi and wave to everyone. I love when you say “HALLO!” to people. You sound German. You love your Elmo and your baby “Daphne.” You could live in the bathtub. You’re still a big fan of things that *go* - trucks, busses, helicopters and trains. You like mango, and reading “Coco.” You love to find everything that’s purple and say “purple.” It is a fun word. You’re very tall and tower over some of your friends. But you give them hugs and dance and laugh with them and you (kinda) share toys with them. You’re getting a lot better at cooperating when we brush your teeth. You even want to brush our teeth. We love you so much, Zooms, and we are so happy we get to love on you and be a part of your world every day!

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