  • PRO TV
  • A incetat sa mai manance aceste alimente si a slabit 41 kilograme. Care a fost cea mai mare provocare pentru ea

A incetat sa mai manance aceste alimente si a slabit 41 kilograme. Care a fost cea mai mare provocare pentru ea

A incetat sa mai manance aceste alimente si a slabit 41 kilograme. Care a fost cea mai mare provocare pentru ea

Shandra Redwine s-a confruntat multa vreme cu problemele cauzate de kilogramele in plus. 

Conform Popsugar.com, Shandra a slabit 41 de kilograme, fara ajutor de specialitate si indrumari. "Am pierdut initial 28 de kilograme dupa ce am micsorat aportul caloric la 1 200", a povestit femeia. 

Femeia a preferat sa nu urmeze o dieta stricta. A optat in schimb pentru un regim alimentar din care a eliminat complet alimentele procesate. Faptul ca a mancat produse sanatoase a ajutat-o enorm in prima faza. 

Urmatorul pas a fost sportul. Shandra a inceput sa se antreneze regulat: "Foarte mult antrenament cardio". Miscarea a ajutat-o sa arda calorii si sa isi intareasca sistemul cardio-vascular. 


I’m posting this because I wont allow haters to slow my roll. If I did that, I’d still be fat and unhealthy and under-achieving. I woke up to a slew of Facebook comments from friends on a Popsugar article about me that popped back up. When I clicked and saw the trail of shared versions and comments I was surprised to see judgmental and hateful comments from people- almost all women! Im not looking for a pep talk here. I’ve built unshakable self-confidence on this journey, so the haters aren’t breaking my stride. What hurts my heart is that instead of taking every possible opportunity to build each other up, there are so many women that still view another woman’s success as a threat. Ladies, I promise you the second you start celebrating and supporting other women’s successes is the second you’ll see your own begin to multiply. We are a tribe with limitless potential. Think about that when you think/type/speak about yourself and each other. Go say something nice to someone today. And not just that she’s pretty or has great hair. That she’s intelligent/hardworking/kind...whatever. Imagine what we could do if we joined sides. ????????????❤️

A post shared by Shandra Redwine (@losermentality) on

Recent, Shandra a facut o noua schimbare in dieta ei. Femeia a testat dieta Ketogenica si a reusit sa slabeasca inca 13 kilograme. 

Dieta se bazeaza pe faptul ca limiteaza secretia de grelina, numita si hormonul foamei". Dieta presupune ca doar 5% din ceea ce consumi sa fie carbohidrati, iar zaharul trebuie sa dispara complet din alimentatie.

Shandra spune ca cea mai mare provocare nu a fost legata de alimentatie sau sport. 

"Cea mai mare provocare atunci cand vrei sa slabesti un numar mare de kilograme este legat de psihic", spune Shandra. 

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