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  • The Rock, pacalit de tatal sau sa ii cumpere un Cadillac imens!

The Rock, pacalit de tatal sau sa ii cumpere un Cadillac imens!

The Rock, pacalit de tatal sau sa ii cumpere un Cadillac imens!

Cum a reusit.

Dwayne Johnson, cunoscut dupa porecla sa, The Rock, este unul dintre cei mai tari actori din ultimii 10 ani. Acesta a aparut in cateva filme celebre ca Fast and Furious, Hercule, Jumanji sau Baywatch, filmele sale depasind de mult 1 miliard in incasari.

Ajuns la 45 de ani, The Rock a ajuns sa aiba o avere de peste 250 de milioane de dolari, lucru ce l-a facut sa isi permita sa se lase "santajat" de tatal sau sa ii cumpere o masina noua.

Tatal lui The Rock a suferit recent o operatie la sold, iar dupa ce a iesit din spital i-a dat mesaj fiului sau, prin care l-a anuntat ca doctorii i-au recomandat o masina mai mare si mai confortabila pentru soldul sau.

"Stiam ce inseamna asta, asa ca am mers la dealership si am rezolvat problema", a spus The Rock.


We all got daddy issues lol. My pops just had his hip replaced and called me and said “Hey Mr. D the surgeon really feels like I should have a bigger car since my hip rehab..” I cut my dad off and just started laughing because I knew what he was hustling for. I said “say no more..I got you.. just go down and pick out what you want” then we hung up and hours later I get this pic. Lol. Hey my old man was a tough MF on me. He’d kick my ass from one side of the gym to the other for years. I hated it when I was a kid, but grateful for it as a man. Im lucky I could do this and thanks for the ass kickins. Thanks Shawn Burnett and Ed Morse Cadillac for handling business for me and finding the gold bow. #MyDoctorSaid #NewHipsAndWhips

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