  • PRO TV
  • O tanara a avut curajul sa se fotografieze in bikini, desi sufera de o boala devastatoare. Imaginile sunt graitoare

O tanara a avut curajul sa se fotografieze in bikini, desi sufera de o boala devastatoare. Imaginile sunt graitoare

O tanara a avut curajul sa se fotografieze in bikini, desi sufera de o boala devastatoare. Imaginile sunt graitoare

O tanara de 20 de ani a publicat pe o retea de socializare o serie de imagini in bikini. Pana aici, nimic nou. 

Bethany Purnell nu este doar o tanara dornica sa isi expuna trupul pe Instagram. La doar 20 de ani, tanara se confrunta cu o boala grava, cunoscuta sub numele de sindromul Crohn. Aceasta boala provoaca afectiuni inflamatorii la nivelul colonului si afecteaza tractul gastrointestinal. 

Afectiunea a fost descoperita atunci cand Bethany avea doar 10 ani, iar de atunci au urmat o serie de tratamente costisitoare, al caror rezultat a intarziat sa apara. Ca alternativa, la varsta de 17 ani, Bethany a optat pentru o operatie chirurgicala numita ileostomie. Dupa aceasta procedura, peretele colonului a fost deschis spre exterior printr-o incizie a peretelui abdominal, inlesnind evacuarea scaunelor intr-o punga etansa. 

Bethany spune ca de-a lungul timpului a fost complexata de boala sa, insa acum si-a acceptat conditia si a decis sa le demonstreze tuturor ca este mandra de ea. Tanara s-a fotografiat in bikini, in ciuda suferintei prin care trece, si a primit sustinerea a peste 12 000 de prieteni virtuali. 

Boala Crohn afecteaza peste 115 000 de oameni din Marea Britanie si peste 1,6 milioane de oameni din Statele Unite.

Din dorinta de a informa cat mai multi oameni despre aceasta boala, Bethany a dorit sa le impartaseasca celorlati din experienta ta. Raspunsurile din partea internautilor nu au intarziat sa apara, iar tanara recunoaste ca a fost complesita de reactiile primite. "Am primit un sprijin imens pe Instagram. Mi-am facut o multime de prieteni si am ajutat o multime de persoane sa isi recapete increderea".


This is MY body, this is the body I was given and even though I may not like this body very much, I know that deep down I’m strong enough to handle whatever life throws at me. It has been tough. It’s been so challenging to accept that this will be my body for the rest of my life.. BUT.. This body has been through hell and back and guess what? It may not be the ideal looking body, but it’s strong. This is the body of a strong young girl. I have bruises, I have countless of scars, I have cellulite, I have stretch marks and I have a bag of ???? attached to it. But without all of these imperfections, I wouldn’t be me. Even though most of the time I’m not confident about myself, I have to remember that this is the same body that has survived and kept me standing. And for that, I am so extremely proud to have this body! I wear my Ostomy bag with pride & I’m proud that it’s stood strong throughout the good times and the bad times ????

A post shared by Bethy ✌️ (@bethanypurnell) on



One of my biggest concerns before getting my ileostomy bag was 'will it show under my clothes?' I did a lot of research and found out hundreds of good tips and tricks, but after getting it I'm not too bothered if it shows or not. I'm genuinely proud of myself and my body for handling all that has been thrown at it. I've never hidden away, I've always worn what I wanted and I've always been proud. I have always been open and honest about my bag and any questions are always welcome. Personally I've NEVER had a bad comment made about me/my bag. I'm going on holiday in just over a week and I've never been in the pool, in boiling hot heat or even had my Ostomy on shown in public. This is the first time and I'm nervously excited to see how it goes. I'm excited to finally have a holiday without trying to ask someone who doesn't speak good English to URGENTLY use their toilets and explain why. Although my Ostomy has brought on a few new anxieties, it's gotta be better than... well... shitting yourself abroad ????

A post shared by Bethy ✌️ (@bethanypurnell) on

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