  • PRO TV
  • Oamenii si-au expus cicatricele intr-un proiect foto impresionant. Sunt genul de imagini care nu pot trece neobservate

Oamenii si-au expus cicatricele intr-un proiect foto impresionant. Sunt genul de imagini care nu pot trece neobservate

Oamenii si-au expus cicatricele intr-un proiect foto impresionant. Sunt genul de imagini care nu pot trece neobservate

Cicatricele nu pot trece neobservate de cei din jur. Aceste semne sunt adesea considerate inestetice, periculoase, iar posesorii lor simt nevoia sa le ascunda de ochii celor din jur.

Prejudecatile si modul in care sunt perceputi de cei din jur ii determina pe multi sa se simta rusinati de modul in care arata. Sophie Mayenne, originala din Londra, incearca sa schimbe perceptia oamenilor lor despre acest subiect atat de sensibil. 

Sophie a demarat un proiect fotografic impresionat, dedicat oamenilor care au pe corp urme sau cicatrice. Numit "Behind The Scars", proiectul este unul extrem de curajos. 

"Cand am inceput acest proiect, m-am gandit ca daca poate schimba ceva macar pentru o persoana, inseamna ca am reusit. Acum ca proiectul a prins contur, sper ca am ajuns la mai mult oameni, iar impactul este unul pozitiv", a spus Sophie Mayenne pentru Bored Panda. 

Participantii din cadrul proiectului s-au declarat entuziasmati, in ciuda traumelor traite si a nesigurantei dezvoltate de-a lungul anilor. 

"Reactiile lor au fost pozitive. Pentru unii dintre ei, experienta unui sedinte foto poate fi terapeutica", mai spune fotograful. 

Pe masura ce oamenii au aflat de initiativa lui Sophie, mai multe persoane si-au dorit sa participe si sa isi spuna povestile. Vezi mai jos unele dintre fotografiile realizate de Mayenne. 


#behindthescars Tracey “My name’s Tracey. I’m a 45 year old mother of two. In 2012, my GP diagnosed me with a common cold which drastically got worse. I was given cold medication which made me feel awful. I called 999 and someone came out to see me. They said everything was fine. Everything was fine for 40 minutes or so. I asked my daughter to make dinner, and then I went upstairs to lay down - and didn’t wake up. My daughter called 999 and her and my friend Chyle got in an ambulance to Kings College Hospital. When I awoke, I was confused. I did not recognise my daughter or friend. They ran a CT scan and found out I had two types of meningitis. I was put in an induced coma for a month. When I was awoken, I could not speak. My daughter came to see me daily - I could hear her but couldn’t reply which annoyed me. I later found they’d put feeding tubes down my throat - I was told that I kept trying to pull all of the tubes out. I was kept in intensive care for a further two months before having a heart attack. Whilst I had my heart attack, Doctors found a growth on my heart valve and a whole in my heart. They replaced my valve with a titanium one - which ticks like a little clock. After the operation they moved me back to the ICU, but this time I was in an isolated room because of the meningitis and recovery. After a month I was given a tracheostomy which allowed me to talk and communicate with Doctors, nurses and my family. For a while, I couldn’t speak properly and could only manage basic communication and small talk. I found it hard to understand others, but tried through one word answers. In April I was moved to Lewisham hospital’s neuro ward where the Doctors taught me the basics of counting, talking, walking, eating, drinking, washing and dressing. For the first month I could not walk properly so I was given a wheelchair - and then a zimmer frame to walk around the ward called “Frank Cooksey”. The cooks on the ward kept feeding me as I was a size 2-4 at the time - after weeks of walking around the ward, they let me walk around the hospital with family, friends and hospital staff. Story Continued in comments!

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#behindthescars Yasmin “My tumour changed my life in so many ways. A life changing operation to remove the tumour, the size of a grapefruit gave me self acceptance on a level that was truly unconditional. In 2012 I was diagnosed with non Hodgkin's lymphoma. Cancer wasn’t an issue, what was was the discovery of a huge tumour. It was benign, but sizeable. Attached to my liver, a bunch of nerves and my main artery to my leg. Five hours of surgery, a deflated hung, my diaphragm put on halt, a bypass with my insides out on a table. My fear going into surgery was the long term affects and how my body would recover. Will my boyfriend still love me, will he still find me attractive, will any man find me acceptable to look at? The truth was, it taught me to love myself hard, without compromise. Inside and out, there was a journey of total acceptance. My amazing body had not failed me yet, so who was I to not love it back for keeping me alive? The message is simple - we are provided with a beautiful vessel to carry our soul. It works so hard to support us daily - the love I have for my body is insurmountable. It allows me to be my glorious self - I am a very lucky girl.” @missyasminibrahim

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#behindthescars Chloe “I started self harming when I was 13 and have struggled with it ever since. The issue with self harming is it gets progressively worse and you end up doing more and more damage to yourself than you think is possible when you first start. It truly is an addiction and you get to a point where surgeons tell you that plastic surgery can’t fix the appearance of the scars, so the only thing you can do is love your scars so much that all the negative connections that come along with self harm slowly disappear - along with all the pain attached to the scars. My scars tell my story, and I’m never going to let anyone else’s thoughts or opinions change that. “ @_chl.o shot on Huawei P10 @huaweimobileuk for @dazed #RevealTheRealYou

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