  • PRO TV
  • "7 milioane de urmaritori? E momentul sa postez 'acea' poza" Ce imagine le-a dedicat aceasta blonda fanilor

"7 milioane de urmaritori? E momentul sa postez 'acea' poza" Ce imagine le-a dedicat aceasta blonda fanilor

"7 milioane de urmaritori? E momentul sa postez 'acea' poza" Ce imagine le-a dedicat aceasta blonda fanilor

Blonda a facut furori cu ultima poza.

Lindsey Pelas este cunoscuta pentru multiplele pictoriale incendiare la care a luat parte de-a lungul timpului. Recent, modelul american de 26 de ani a facut 7 milioane de urmaritori pe Instagram, asa ca a decis sa posteze o poza "incendiara".

Lindsey s-a pozat aproape dezbracata, spunand ca are cereri de foarte mult timp din partea fanilor sa faca acest lucru, insa ezita sa o faca, mai ales ca nu a pozat erotic nici macar pentru Playboy, revista in care a aparut in urma cu cativa ani.

Americanca a ajuns cunoscuta in presa din Anglia dupa relatia cu Callum Best, fiul legendarului fotbalist George Best.

Intr-un interviu recent, aceasta a recunoscut ca sanii imensi, si naturali dupa cum sustine, ii face viata un calvar. "Cantaresc 5 kilograme si imi dau dureri de spate oribile", spune tanara.


THANK YOU for 7 million!! ✨ and ps: I'm just getting started ;) ???? photo @bryandewittphoto

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Look 1 for my #NearlyNaked2018 Calendar ✨ available for preorder now at www.lindseypelas.co ????

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Boxing class is no fucking joke! I am already sore from this workout and I can't wait to do it again. . ???? It was really incredible to workout for something more than "me" today. So many who attended the event had lost someone close to cancer and it felt like we were working out for them. . It's really easy to take our health for granted. Day to day how many times do you think to yourself "how blessed am I to just be healthy?"... I could definitely do it more often... . . I think to be blessed with good health and the ability to care for our bodies, we owe it to ourselves to show them love. Heart health, diet, exercise, adequate sleep, mental care... all of these are something to be valued daily. . @1stPhorm is the highest quality supplement to take and brand to be a part of. My v2 megawatt helped me power through until the end of my workout which I deff needed. And while I'm here thanks @AndyFrisella and some of my fellow 1stPhorm crew for your generous donations to Breast Cancer Research Foundation. I love being part of such a supportive and positive team. #legionofboom #1stphorm

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One more day of costumes can I get an amen ???????? @twistimages hair @peterhairbh glam @beautysuccess90

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