  • PRO TV
  • Femeia care poarta corset cate 23 de ore in fiecare zi. Cum pot sa arate talia si corpul ei

Femeia care poarta corset cate 23 de ore in fiecare zi. Cum pot sa arate talia si corpul ei

Femeia care poarta corset cate 23 de ore in fiecare zi. Cum pot sa arate talia si corpul ei

Penny Brown isi doreste sa obtina o talie de 66cm. Pentru ca nu e deloc usor, femeia poarta corset timp de 23 de ore pe zi si adopta o dieta speciala.

Din dorinta de a se transforma intr-o Jessica Rabbit in carne si oase, Penny Brown si-a pus silicoane si a inceput un proces de rearanjare a organelor, astfel incat sa obtina o talie minuscula.

Potrivit Jezebel, ea a achizitionat un corset din otel, care ii constrange formele, si cu toate ca stie ca procedeele acestea ii pot afecta sanatatea, nu are de gand sa se opreasca.

"Stomacul este un organ foarte rezistent, poate sa ramana pe loc fara sa fie turtit sau zdrobit. La inceput, am purtat corset foarte mult timp si am ajuns sa simt durere, insa acum imi cunosc corpul, stiu cat poate sa duca, si nu mai experimentez niciun fel de disconfort", a spus Penny.


My perfect precious overbust from @lovelyratscorsetry arrived, and it is the most beautiful thing ever. I honestly don't know how to deal with how beautiful it is. I just can't believe how magical her work is.

A post shared by penny brown (@penny_underbust) on

Femeia a marturisit ca nu poate sa conduca, sa manance, sa se aplece sau sa stea intinsa cand poarta acest accesoriu de modelare corporala.

"Am fost obsedata de Jessica Rabbit de la o varsta frageda. Cred ca e sexy si ca e un personaj puternic. Am vrut mereu sa o copiez", a incheiat Penny, care sustine ca sotul ei o sustine si e placut impresionat de felul in care arata.


FAT FAT FAT. When you tell me that I can't call myself fat, you're not helping anybody. I don't care what your concern is... maybe "you're not fat, you're beautiful" maybe "you're not fat, think how you calling yourself that makes fatter women feel".. I don't care what misguided support goes through your mind when you act like you have claim over the word, but "fat" has been used as a weapon against me since I was pre-pubescent. When I call myself fat, I mean it exactly as it is intended. I am FAT. I have excessive adipose tissue on my frame. Does that mean I'm not attractive? No. I happen to think I'm very attractive. In fact, I seem to be UNACCEPTABLE in any fucking group because I am fortunate enough to have fat in all of the aesthetically "correct" locations, so I can't be body positive. And I am UNDENIABLY fat, so I can't be conventionally attractive either. When you deny me use of this word, you're denying me support of my own flesh. My fat flesh. My lumpy flesh. Don't fucking tell me I'm not fat. I'm fat and not scared of that.

A post shared by penny brown (@penny_underbust) on

"Primesc si jigniri, ba chiar amenintari, dar nu imi pasa parerea celor din jur. Cel mai important e sa-mi placa mie de mine cand ma privesc in oglinda."

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