  • PRO TV
  • "Consumam 2 pizza si un litru de suc pe zi." Cum arata femeia acum, dupa ce a slabit 42 de kilograme in 10 luni

"Consumam 2 pizza si un litru de suc pe zi." Cum arata femeia acum, dupa ce a slabit 42 de kilograme in 10 luni

"Consumam 2 pizza si un litru de suc pe zi." Cum arata femeia acum, dupa ce a slabit 42 de kilograme in 10 luni

Acum atrage toate privirile, oriunde s-ar afla. Poate face exercitii fizice cu greutati de 120 de kilograme si are un abdomen perfect sculptat. Inainte de asta, cantarea 107 kilograme ea insasi.

Harshi Suraweera este numele femeii care a reusit sa isi schimbe viata complet, dupa ce a slabit 42 de kilograme. Frumoasa bruneta a decis sa ia masuri radicale in momentul in care o fotografie de a sa a strans numeroase comentarii negative la adresa felului in care arata.

"Am fost devastata si depresiva. Dar am deci sa fac un prim pas spre a-mi schimba corpul chiar din acea zi", a povestit Harshi pentru Daily Mail.

Dieta si orele de sport au facut minuni. "A fost foarte dificil. Mergeam mereu la sala foarte tarziu, pentru ca la orele acelea era mai liniste si imi puteam face exercitiile singura", a mai zis femeia, completand cu faptul ca primele rezultate pe care le-a observat au motivat-o pentru a continua. 

"Eram dependenta de mancare, nu era normal. Putem sa mananc doua pizza si un litru de cola intr-o singura zi. Acum, nici mama nu ma mai recunoaste", a mai spus tanara care acum pare scoasa din paginile revistelor de frumusete. Harshi nu si-a dorit doar sa slabeasca, ci si sa aiba un corp tonifiat, pe care sa nu se observe schimbarile drastice de greutate. Acum este urmarita de peste 70 000 de persoane, pe Instagram si a devenit un adevarat model pentru toate tinerele aflate in situatia ei.


I been getting a lot of negative comments indicating that it's two different persons in my photos. I assure you it's all me. As you can see by the little mark on the right cheek in the photos, near the corner of my mouth, from chicken pox when I was a kid. It's all me in both photos. I haven been going through a really tough time being overweight. I worked hard and pushed myself everyday and stayed consistent. The hardest part was staying away from junk and takeaway food after eating them most of my life, I really struggled with temptations. Now I have been consuming a lot of green veggies for years now and have stayed away from the traditional curries. After the weightloss even my mum could not recognize me at the start. I do have excess skin in my lower abs, its normal to have excess skin after weightloss. At this stage I haven't planned to do any surgery. I would like to thank the positive comments and DMs from my followers, who keep inspiring me to keep going. I am getting a lot of DMs so trying to reply as much as I can. Stay focused and dedicated!????????❤️???????????????? ##fitlife #fitnessaddict #fitness #beforeandafter #weightlossjourney #weightloss #transformation #inspire #bodypositivefitness #shesquats #training #weightlossinspiration #inspiration #selflove #beastmode #justdoit #beastmodeon #traininsane #transformyourbody #fitnessinspiration #strongissexy #strong #muscles #fitfam #fatloss #newme #fattofit #trasformationthursday

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#TransformationThursday ???????????? Take every opportunity to better yourself and to chase your dreams, setting aside any negative thoughts stopping you from achieving your goals. It's never too late to become who you want to be and its never too late to change your direction. Your goals , your dreams require you to work harder than before. The important thing is to embrace the struggle and remember the reason you are doing it, but knowing that with time, patience and consistent persistence you will achieve your goal! Stay focused and dedicated! My FAQ blog is up, so please click the link in my bio ⤴️ #fitlife #fitnessaddict #fitness #beforeandafter #weightlossjourney #weightloss #transformation #inspire #shesquats #training #weightlossinspiration #inspiration #selflove #justdoit #traininsane #transformyourbody #fitnessinspiration #strongissexy #strong #muscles #fitfam #fatloss #fattofit #newme #happyme #picoftheday #melbourne

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