  • PRO TV
  • De la ratusca supraponderala, la lebada sexy. Cum s-a reinventat o tanara care nu mai suporta sa se priveasca in oglinda

De la ratusca supraponderala, la lebada sexy. Cum s-a reinventat o tanara care nu mai suporta sa se priveasca in oglinda

De la ratusca supraponderala, la lebada sexy. Cum s-a reinventat o tanara care nu mai suporta sa se priveasca in oglinda

Nessa, o femeie de 39 de ani din Luxemburg, a facut toata viata baschet si a mancat tot ce avrut, cand a vrut. Dupa ce s-a angajat intr-o corporatie insa, a suferit o schimbare radicala.

Dupa ce s-a angajat in domeniul financiar, Nessa a inceput sa ia in greutate: "Eram concentrata pe job, nu pe silueta mea. Luam decizii alimentare gresite, era mereu stresata si obosita. Cand am vazut o poza nereusita cu mine, mi-am dat seama ca trebuie sa iau atitudine si sa schimb ceva", a spus tanara pentru Cosmpolitan. Asa ca a adoptat un alt stil de viata!

Nessa a inceput sa mearga la sala inainte de munca si sa urmeze un program intens, bazat pe folosirea greutatii corporale pentru realizarea anumitor exercitii fizice. Desi i-a fost greu sa se trezeasca la cinci dimineata, dupa sase luni nu doar ca s-a obisnuit, ci a ramas surprinsa de felul in care a inceput sa arate corpul ei.


A transformation from a girl who was constantly tired and stressed to the happy and confident woman! ???????????? I used to work a lot and this is not something that makes your life easier in terms of workouts and nutrition. Only one year ago, my eating routine was a total mess. There were days when I was skipping my meals (a lot of tasks and you forget about food) or eating way too much (stress, half of a day without food and then a box of donuts for dinner)... And exercising basically didn't exist. I couldn't drag myself out of the bed in the morning and I didn't have any strength to get to the gym in the evening ???? Thousand of excuses daily: too old, too tired, too stressed, too busy, always something ???????? Now: daily exercising (at least 5 times per week usually before heading to work), daily meal preparation, 5-6 balanced meals, linear daily calories intake: 1'900-2'000. My days are well organized from the early morning until late evening, however one thing didn't change - I still work a lot! But this only proves, you can always find a way to make things work. Stop finding problems and excuses, find a solution! Be happy about your life and about who you are. Do what you love and enjoy every second of it! ❤️ PS. One more thing - #screwthescale ????????✅ #throwbackthursday #beforeandafter #bbgprogress #sweatwithkayla #bbg #lifting #weightlifting

A photo posted by Nessa's Fitness Sphere (@nessasphere) on

Tansformarea nu s-a oprit aici. Tanara a inteles ca mananca dezordonat, asa ca a facut modificari si la nivel de alimentatie: a inceput sa ia masa o data la trei ore, deci sa manance de sase ori pe zi. 

Dimineata, inainte de sala, a optat pentru un shake de proteine si ovaz cu fructe si seminte. Pentru a nu se simti tentata sa manance prostii  de-a lungul zilei, ea a inceput sa-si pregateasca de acasa cate trei portii de mancare pe care sa le consume la lucru. Printre alimentele alese se numarau cartofii dulci, pieptul de pui, broccoli, avoado, orezul basmati, fasolea verde.


Hi guys! I had such a nice Sunday ???? After finishing another round of BBG, I decided to go for a rest day and today it meant doing absolutely nothing... OK, just a small meal preparation was on my plan but it was a quick one. As this is the end of the week and we can consider tomorrow as a new start for some of you, I would like to encourage you to do some meal preparation too ???????????? It does not have to take lots of time and meals don't need to be boring! Here is a little summary of what I had last week ???????? None of the meals took me more than 20 minutes to prepare (sometimes a few minutes more but only for cooking time). And you definitely do not eat chicken breast and rice every day, there is so much room for variety and flavors ✔️ My all meals from last week were delicious, colorful and healthy ???? 1. Monday: red potatoes, spicy oven baked cod and yellow and green zucchini. 2. Tuesday: millet, chicken thighs or salmon and broccoli. 3. Wednesday: whole wheat pasta with mushrooms, chicken, spinach, onion and coconut oil. 4: Friday: basmati rice, shrimps, pumpkin and cherry tomatoes. If I don't have healthy fats in my meals, I add one spoon of oil of olive to it. I always take additionally some snacks with me to work: usually it is a @womensbest protein cookie (I am obsessed lately with those), protein bar from @squareorganics or complete cookie from @lennyandlarrys ???? Do you have any questions? Feel free to ask ???? #womensbest #protein #proteincookie #wheyprotein #nutrition #mealpreparation #mealprep #fooddiary #kaylaitsines #kaylasarmy #sweatwithkayla #bbgjourney #healthyjourney #fitness #healthyeating #healthymeal #bbgfooddiary #bbgfood #bbgcommunity #bbgover30 #bbgmotivation #fitnessmotivation #foodroutine #foodinspiration #foodgoals #iifym #macros #flexibledieting #macrocounting #lunchbox

A photo posted by Nessa's Fitness Sphere (@nessasphere) on

La cina, Nessa a mancat omleta cu spanac si rosii, paine integrala prajita cu unt de arahide si banana sau salata verde cu somon. Nu toate deodata, desigur, ci servite separat, in zile diferite.

Corpul ei e complet transformat acum, iar femeia a luat chiar in greutate un kilogram. Ea vrea sa demonstreze ca numarul de pe cantar nu reflecta felul minunat in care poate arata cineva, ci exercitiile care sculpteaza frumos silueta.


Let's talk food and calories ???????? I got lots of questions from you about how much you should eat. It is not easy to answer this question. It depends on a lot of things: your weight, your height, your age, how active you are during the day, how often you workout and what your goals are. But one is definitely easy to estimate. It's how much you shouldn't eat. You can't starve yourself ‼️ When I see people saying that they eat 800-1200 kcal, this seriously scares me. You will not get to any point with this amount of calories. Your body and you need enough fuel to feel good, to take challenges and to achieve goals. Let's start the calculations with RMR (Resting Metabolic Rate), basically the amount of calories you burn when at rest (or in different words - you need to stay alive). The more active you are during a day, the more calories you should eat to maintain your weight. It is normal that when you want to lose fat you decrease your calories intake. However, you should be smart doing that. Don't put your body in a high calorie deficit straight from the beginning of the process. You will not have much to cut later on when you hit a plateau and you don't see any progress anymore. I would suggest starting at 10% of your calorie intake caloric decrease per day for a few weeks. If you look at my progress on the pictures, it happened mostly because I changed my eating habits (and started to workout out). In 2015 my eating was a total mess. There were days I forgot about food (too much work and stress) or I could eat the whole box of donuts only for lunch. When I switched to linear calories intake 1900-2000 per day my results rushed. And the consistency and regular eating was the key. If you are now at a very low calorie intake and you don't see progress, try to eat more. It may be a little bit difficult at the beginning, you may even gain weight but when your body adjust to it, you will see only benefits ???????? #bbgprogress #sweatwithkayla #nutrition #bbg #motivation #beforeandafter #kaylaitsines #inspiration #bbgover30

A photo posted by Nessa's Fitness Sphere (@nessasphere) on

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