  • PRO TV
  • Cum sa-ti faci parul sa creasca 2 centimetri pe saptamana. Reteta minune, realizata din ingrediente naturale

Cum sa-ti faci parul sa creasca 2 centimetri pe saptamana. Reteta minune, realizata din ingrediente naturale

Cum sa-ti faci parul sa creasca 2 centimetri pe saptamana. Reteta minune, realizata din ingrediente naturale

Bloggerita din SUA, care face furori pe internet cu 6,2 milioane de fani pe Instagram si doua milioane pe canalul sau de Youtube, Farah Dhukai, a postat pe contul ei de Instagram un video explicativ. Filmuletul are deja 6,6 milioane de vizualizari.

Pentru "cocktail-ul minune" aveti nevoie de urmatoarele ingrediente naturale:
- ulei de dovleac (o cantitate suficienta pentru a acoperi radacinile parului);
- cateva picaturi de ulei esential de menta.  

Masati foarte bine radacinile parului cu acest preparat, in timp ce stati cu capul in jos- acesta este secretul pentru cresterea mai rapida a parului. Puteti lasa uleiul sa actioneze peste noapte sau puteti sa-l spalati imediat. Faceti asta in fiecare zi, timp de o saptamana. "Parul meu a crescut aproape 8 centimetri in doua saptamani. Asa arata masuratorile" - se lauda beauty bloggerul.

Uleiul de dovleac contrine acizi grasi si vitaminele B, esentiale pentru cresterea parului. 

Uleiul esential de menta stimuleaza si intinereste foliculii pentru cresterea sanatoasa a parului, previne matreata si mentine scalpul fresh.



????HOW TO GROW YOUR HAIR FAST!☄ Have you had a bad haircut or regret cutting your hair shorter? ???????? This method will grow 1-2 inches of hair PER week.. possibly more! depending on your body :)) Heres HOW!???????? Make a Cocktail of:???? ????PUMPKIN OIL (you need more of this because this is your base oil) ????PEPPERMINT ESSENTIAL OIL (you need less of this because essential oil is extremely concentrated) ????Store leftovers for next time. Make sure it's warm before use. ????????Massage onto your scalp only so your roots are saturated. It TINGLES. that's normal. ????????Here is the MAGIC TIP!! flip your hair over so your kinda upside down and massage scalp for 5-7 min. This is called the inversion method - I'll explain why this is the path to hair growth success later ???????? ⏳flip ur head back to normal -you can leave this overnight or wash out. I flip my hair over while I wash my hair too. Inversion = life. ⏰Do this everyday for 1 week. You don't need to use oil, you can do this on clean hair too but the oil helps speed up the growth process. ???? I grew about 3-4 inches in 2 weeks. Measurementsssss show ya. This is why my hair grows so fast! ????WHY THIS IS DA BIZZZNIZZZZZ:???? ????Pumpkin oil: found to REVERSE balding, Contains fatty acids and vitamins B and essential nutrients for hair growth. IF YOURE LOSING HAIR. U NEED DIS. ????Peppermint Essential oil: stimulate/Rejuvenates follicles for healthy hair growth. Prevents dandruff and keeps your scalp freshhhhh ⌛️Inversion: turning upside down boosts circulation- it gets blood flowing to the roots and puts them to werkkkk so your hair grows faster. #themoreyouknow inversion therapy isn't new. It works wonders and that's why I do dis often. This also stimulates your brain. Yay for brainssss ???? Give this vid a like and help a sis out fammmm and tag a friend who could use long hair and brainzzz???? PS. I'm not wearing extensions. ???? Disclaimer: As with any skin care regimen, always do a test patch first to see if your skin is allergic to any of the ingredients. Everyone's skin is different, so result can vary from person to person. I can not vouch for any substitute ingredients.

A video posted by Farah D (@farahdhukai) on

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