Unele vedete de la Hollywood par cu totul alte persoane de la rol la rol. Criticii de moda le-au desemnat cu adevarat versatile, iar fanii au intampinat de multe ori probleme in a-si da seama cum arata in spatele machiajului si efrectelor.
Meryl Streep
The Devil Wears Prada, Julie & Julia, The Iron Lady, Into the Woods, Ricki and the Flash
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Gary Oldman
Dracula, True Romance, The Fifth Element, Interstate 60, Harry Potter
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Helena Bonham Carter
Fight Club, Planet of the Apes, Harry Potter, Alice in Wonderland, The King’s Speech
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Ian McKellen
Richard III, Rasputin, David Copperfield, The Lord of the Rings, X-Men
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Jared Leto
Fight Club, Alexander, Chapter 27, Dallas Buyers Club, Suicide Squad
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Cate Blanchett
The Lord of the Rings, The Aviator, Elizabeth: The Golden Age, I’m Not There, Cinderella
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Tilda Swinton
Orlando, The Chronicles of Narnia, Michael Clayton, The Grand Budapest Hotel, Doctor Strange
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Michael Fassbender
300, A Dangerous Method, Prometheus, Macbeth, Steve Jobs
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Johnny Depp
Pirates of the Caribbean, Public Enemies, Alice in Wonderland, Dark Shadows, Black Mass
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Jake Gylenhaal
Brokeback Mountain, Prince of Persia, Southpaw, Nightcrawler, Everest
Rooney Mara
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, Carol, Pan, The Social Network, Side Effects