  • PRO TV
  • O antrenoare de fitness a demonstrat ca aparentele pot fi inselatoare. Cu o simpla imagine a spulberat un mit

O antrenoare de fitness a demonstrat ca aparentele pot fi inselatoare. Cu o simpla imagine a spulberat un mit

O antrenoare de fitness a demonstrat ca aparentele pot fi inselatoare. Cu o simpla imagine a spulberat un mit

Diete, consum scazut de zahar si grasimi, multa apa, sport si un stil de viata cat mai sanatos sunt elementele care, spun specialistii, contribuie la obtinerea unui corp de invidiat.

In majoritatea cazurilor, femeile au un confort psihic atunci cand se cantaresc si numarul afisat pe ecranul cantarului este cel la care au visat. Kelsey Wells, de profesie antrenor de fitness, a reusit printr-o singura fotografie sa demonstreze ca, in realitate, greutatea corporala e DOAR un numar si nimic mai mult. 

Timp de un an, Kelsey a urmat un program strict de nutritie, iar rezultatele sunt vizibile. Corpul sau arata senzational, este tonifiat, iar surplusul de grasime a fost eliminat treptat. Nu acelasi lucru este valabil si atunci cand vine vorba despre greutate. 

Pentru a demonstra ca greutatea nu este cel mai important aspect atunci iti doresti sa arati bine, Kelsey a publicat pe Instagram o fotografie menita sa spulbere acest mit. 

Aceasta a realizat un colaj foto in care corpul sau are o greutate diferita: 65 de kilograme, 55 de kilograme si 63 de kilograme. Contrar asteptarilor, in imaginea in care cantareste 63 de kilograme Kelsey arata mult mai bine decat in cea in care are 55 de kilograme. Trupul sau este tonifiat si muschii sunt bine definiti. 


Throwing it back to my favorite "transformation" photo because I think it carries a massively important message. -- SCREW. THE. SCALE!!! -- I used to weigh myself every single morning, obsess over the numbers I saw, and measure my progress in jean sizes. Then I reached a point in my fitness journey where the number on the scale began to go back UP and so did my pant size. I felt beyond discouraged by this and assumed I must have been losing progress or going backwards. I decided to throw away my scale (LITERALLY), and began instead to measure my progress in other ways -- I took photos every couple of months. Recorded how many push-ups I could do and worked to beat my personal best, and most importantly LISTENED to my body and how I was feeling. The next time I stepped on a scale (three months later) I was shocked to see how much weight I had gained. Instead of feeling discouraged I was amused -- I had heard so many times not to focus on the scale, that muscle weighs more than fat per volume, a woman's weight fluctuates daily, etc, but I never fully believed it until that day when I first put these photos side by side last year. This helped it FINALLY click for me, and I hope it does for you too. I still am TWENTY pounds heavier than what I initially thought my "goal weight" should be, but I have never been healthier, or HAPPIER. Don't for one second let a number on a scale or pair of pants make you feel down on yourself. Measure your fitness goals through things like strength, endurance, health, and HAPPINESS. Move your body. Fuel it with the nutrients it needs. LOVE YOURSELF ALL ALONG THE WAY. #screwthescale www.kelseywells.com/app

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"Va reamintesc: nu va mai agatati de numarul de kilograme pe care il vedeti pe cantar. Nu va mai masurati progresul in functie de numarul de kilograme pe care il pierdeti, dar mai ales, nu va mai lasati afectati de acest aspect" este sfatul oferit de Kelsey, conform Cosmopolitan.com.

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