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  • Pozele emotionante publicate de Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson. Imaginile pentru care a primit milioane de like-uri

Pozele emotionante publicate de Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson. Imaginile pentru care a primit milioane de like-uri

Pozele emotionante publicate de Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson. Imaginile pentru care a primit milioane de like-uri

In filme este adesea baiatul rau, insa in viata reala este cu totul si cu totul alta persoana. In urma cu putin timp, The Rock a demonstrat ca are un suflet mare, mai ales cand vina vorba de copii.

In viata de zi cu zi, starul este un familist convins si are o slabiciune pentru cei mici. Mai ales daca sunt intr-o stare de sanatate precara, el este dispusa faca orice pentru a le aduce zambetul pe buze. Drept dovada stau cateva poze recente publicate de Dwayne pe contul personal de Instagram.

In urma cu putin timp, el i-a luat prin surprindere pe micutii internati la spitalul de copii din Georgia. Mai exact, in pauza de filmari de la "Baywatch", a profitat de ocazie si a petrecut cateva momente cu admiratorii lui.


So I called an audible and went to visit Christopher. Glad we did... While I was visiting the Pediatric Specialty Ward surprising the kids, I got word from my team that there was a mom who was pleading with our production staff, that I go upstairs to her son's room to give him a much needed big surprise. Since he's older he's in the main hospital and not in pediatric care. We were shooting #BAYWATCH scenes outside of the hospital, but instead of heading back to shoot I called the audible, put production on hold and went upstairs to see this young man. I walked in and his smile lit up the room! And I mean lit that room up!;) We talked for a while about his family, his school and how hard he's working to eventually graduate AND we talked about how COOL all his scars are from his multiple surgeries - from his head to his chest - those scars are badges of honor and the reminder of how beyond tough this kid is. Right before I left his mom looked at him and said, "Christopher I can't give you anything, but I'm so happy I could give you this today..." and she started to breakdown, which was captured in this pic. Made me think to give so much credit to these parents who would do anything to take their kid's pain away and ANYTHING to bring a smile to their faces. As a papa bear I understand. Glad this mom brought a smile to Christopher's face. And glad I got a chance to shake the hand of this very strong and inspiring young man. Stay strong Christopher and show them scars with pride. You're the man! ~ DJ

A photo posted by therock (@therock) on

"Tuturor copiilor pe care i-am cunoscut azi - continuati sa zambiti si sa fiti puternici. Mamelor si tatilor, fiti si voi tari in continuare. Sincer, lucrurile de acest tip sunt cea mai buna parte din meseria mea", a scris Dwayne in descrierea unei imagini pe care a publicat-o pe Instagram.


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