Pe Molly, oboseala de la serviciu, lipsa de socializare si toate schimbarile aparute in momentul casatoriei, au facut-o sa intre intr-o stare de depresie. Toata incarcatura emotionala o facea pe femeie sa se certe cu sotul ei. Acesta insa a facut ceva care i-a ajutat pe amandoi.
In timp ce Molly era plecata, sotul a dorit sa ii aminteasca toate motivele pentru care o iubeste si pentru care si ea ar trebui sa il iubeasca.
Tanarul i-a scris sotiei sale 15 motive pentru care o iubeste, direct pe oglinda din dormitor. In felul acesta, dupa o alta zi grea, Molly a avut parte de una dintre cele mai frumoase surprize din viata ei.
"Cumva, el ma iarta de fiecare data. Am o lunga poveste in urma si cred ca el realizeaza, probabil, ca sunt bolnava mintal. Ma ia de mana si incearca tot ce poate el mai bine.", a scris Molly pe pagina de socializare, conform celor de la littlethings.com.
Molly a mai spus si ca avea nevoie de un gest ca acesta in ziua respectiva si ca sotul stie cat de repede poate uita sotia lui ca este iubita.
"Un testament si o dovada a iubirii lui", a mai scris tanara, iar in final a oferit cateva sfaturi celor care au alaturi o persoana dificila, cu probleme de acelasi tip.
The list says: 1. she is my best friend2. she never quits on herself or me3. she gives me time to work on my crazy projects4. she makes me laugh, everyday5. she is gorgeous6. she accepts the crazy person i am7. she's the kindest person i know8. she's got a beautiful singing voice9. she's gone to a strip club with me10. she has experienced severe tragedy yet is the most optimistic person about humanity i know11. she has been fully supportive about my career choices and followed me each time12. without realizing it, she makes me want to do more for her than i have ever wanted to do for anyone13. she's done an amazing job at advancing her career path14. small animals make her cry15. she snorts when she laughshttps://www.facebook.com/TymmyWhohttp://imgur.com/lCYGGb8I've been juggling a LOT lately. Trying to do well at work. Just got married. Couldn't afford a wedding. Family is sparse. Falling out with friends, yaddadyadda. But, the thing is, amidst all the struggle, my husband has relentlessly tried to cheer me up. I've not been the easiest person to deal with. In fact, sometimes I've lost all hope and even taken my anger out on my new husband. But he somehow forgives me every time. I have a long journey ahead of me, and I know he probably realizes I'm depressed. But he holds my hand, and he tries his best. Today when I came home from a trip to SF, I flopped onto my bed in tears. I looked to my left, and saw these words painted all across my mirror. I think he wanted me to remember how much he loves me. Because he knows how quickly I forget. He knows I struggle to see good in the world, and especially the good in myself. But here it is. A testament and gesture of his love. Damn, I needed it today...I'm not saying mental illness is cured by nice words on a mirror. In fact, it takes professional care, love, empathy, sometimes even medication just to cope. Many people struggle with it mental illness - more than we probably even realize. And instead of showing them hate or anger when they act out. Show them kindness and remind them things can and WILL get better. Everyone needs a little help sometimes. If that person can't be you - see if you have any resources for therapy.EDIT: The thing is... I am not "too good" or "not good enough" for my husband. We all have our down days. And sometimes we don't handle it well. BUT, we are partners. He is here for me when I'm down. And I cherish that. And he has his down days, too. And I will be there to hold his hand, just like he holds mine. Life can be hard. The answer is never to mock, scoff, or belittle someone. Be kind. Be the best version of yourself. And be most of all- be patient.I'm still struggling, but I'm glad I have my other half to help me make it through. It may just be a few words on my mirror, but I'll look at them when I wake up and know I'm not alone. I'll know I have my bestfriend, my co-pilot in life to help guide me through.