  • PRO TV
  • Avea o forma rara de cancer, dar dorinta de a avea o viata normala era mare. Ce s-a intamplat cu acest tanar dupa ce si-a publicat fotografiile pe Instagram

Avea o forma rara de cancer, dar dorinta de a avea o viata normala era mare. Ce s-a intamplat cu acest tanar dupa ce si-a publicat fotografiile pe Instagram

Avea o forma rara de cancer, dar dorinta de a avea o viata normala era mare. Ce s-a intamplat cu acest tanar dupa ce si-a publicat fotografiile pe Instagram

In anul 2013, Michael Tatalovich a fost diagnosticat cu o forma rara de cancer la oase, iar sansele lui de supravietuire pareau din ce in ce mai mici.

Contul pe care il avea pe Instagram l-a ajutat pe tanar sa treca mai usor peste batalia pe care incerca sa o castige pentru a-si salva viata, iar incurajarile primite au fost extrem de importante pentru el.


One year ago today, I underwent the surgery to remove the tumor from my left femur. This is me post operative that day. Getting my hip replaced was and still is the biggest cancer consequence I grapple with. Having walked with a walker and now a cane, this year has not gone by quickly, but it has taught me a lot of discipline and to be more in tune with what my body is telling me #tbt

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Daca la inceput folosea imaginile numai pentru a-si tine la curent familia si apropiatii cu starea sanatatii lui, mai apoi si-a dat seama ca fotografiile conteaza extrem de mult pentru cei care se aflau in situatia lui si care incercau din rasputeri sa lupte pentru viata lor.


A year ago today, my life changed in unimaginable ways. In the past 365 days, I've learned more about myself and the process of life than many will learn in years. I can't believe one year ago I had all of this in front of me, and now, I am in recovery with no sign of disease. I am extremely grateful for my medical team and the support I've gotten from friends and family. This is not the end to my story though, just the marker of a difficult chapter ending. #tbt

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Decizia de a posta pozele pe reteaua de socializare a fost luata in momentul in care si-a dat seama ca le da o doza de speranta si celorlalti din jur.


Today marks the end of a long journey; for the past 10 months I have been constantly redefining my state of normalcy. This is no different; except now my normal will look a lot like everybody else's. Through this experience, I have learned a lot, including the strength that can come from a loving and supportive community. So for any of you who said kind words either to me, my family, or in private, I thank you. The collective positive attitudes make all the difference. I can't wait to make this just a part of my story and no longer a defining characteristic.

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Imaginile sunt dovada clara a unei calatorii cu final fericit. Tatalovich a invins cancaerul, iar acum duce o viata normala pentru un tanar de varsta lui. Chiar daca nu mai trebuie sa lupte cu boala, tratamentul costisitor a ramas o problema pentru el si familia lui. 

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