• Un fan al cantaretei Katy Perry a fost arestat dupa ce a urmarit-o obsesiv

Un fan al cantaretei Katy Perry a fost arestat dupa ce a urmarit-o obsesiv

Un fan al cantaretei Katy Perry a fost arestat dupa ce a urmarit-o obsesiv

Un barbat a fost arestat in Miami, dupa ce a fost acuzat ca o urmarea obsesiv pe Katy Perry si a incercat sa patrunda in backstage la un concert sustinut de aceasta.

E!News a confirmat ca un barbat de 37 de ani, pe nume Pawel Jurski, a aparut in fata tribunalului unde s-a confruntat cu acuzatii grave de urmarire a unei persoane si de opunere a rezistentei arestarii. 

Conform declaratiilor politiei, inculpatul a intrat in zona restrictionata de backstage din America Airlines Arena, incercand sa ajunga cat mai aproape de faimoasa cantareata, Katy Perry, care performa pe scena in acea seara. 

Dupa ce a fost interogat, acesta a spus autoritatilor ca:"As face orice este nevoie sa fiu cat mai aproape de Katy Perry."

Politistii au mai declarat ca barbatul a mai incercat sa o contacteze pe artista la inca doua show-uri din Canada. Pawel le-a mai mai zis autoritatilor ca a fost la toate concertele sustinete de cantareata, in ultimele 20 de zile.

La momentul actual, Pawel se afla in custodia politiei.

Katy nu a comentat public despre aceasta situatie, ci a postat o poza in care a vorbit despre experientele ei din anul 2017:"Va scriu din Miami, unde mi-am pregatiti utimul concert din turneu. Am reflectat asupra acestui ani care mi-a aratat ce inseamna castigul pentru mine. Definitia castigului a insemnat pentru mine fericire si recunostinta."


Hiya. I'm writing you from Miami, prepping my last Witness: The Tour show of 2017. I'm reflecting on a year that has redefined what winning means to me. And the definition of winning for me this year was simply happiness and gratitude. This year has made me more appreciative than ever for my listeners, my KatyCats - whether you've been with me since "I Kissed A Girl" or if you only started to "Swish Swish" with me. I'm humbled that you still give me your nights out to connect with you live all over the world and remind me of the place in your hearts that you hold for all these songs. After a year of peaks and valleys (remember, it's all a journey), I wanted to end 2017 with a fun, triumphant piece of pop candy. Just think of it as a glam little stocking stuffer from me to you. "Hey Hey Hey" is one of my favorite songs from "Witness" and for me, it embodies the fighting spirit I always want you to be able to find within yourself, and to see in me. So ho, ho, ho; and hey, hey, hey; and happy holidays. Yours, Katy P.S. Link in profile.

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