• La 1,82 m a ajuns sa cantareasca doar 48 de kg. Ce s-a intamplat cu tanara care a slabit dramatic si cum arata acum

La 1,82 m a ajuns sa cantareasca doar 48 de kg. Ce s-a intamplat cu tanara care a slabit dramatic si cum arata acum

La 1,82 m a ajuns sa cantareasca doar 48 de kg. Ce s-a intamplat cu tanara care a slabit dramatic si cum arata acum

La 13 ani, Mariah Setta a dezvoltat o tulburare de alimentatie, motiv pentru care pe parcursul a opt ani a slabit de la 72 kg la 48 kg, inaltimea ei fiind de 1,82 m.

""Prima fotografie a fost facuta in noiembrie 2015, a doua in octombrie 2016, ce diferenta poate face un an", a scris tanara de 21 de ani la una dintre pozele publicate recent pe contul de Instagram.


The first photo was taken in November 2015, the second in October 2016, and boy, what a difference a year can make. As some of you may know, Eating Disorder Awareness week was last week. Ever since it ended I've been so frustrated, so mad at myself, that I did not put up post. Why? Because I was too scared (and still am so scared posting this) But then I thought, how could I sit there and believe that the stigma around Eating Disorders should be changed and that Eating Disorders should be something we need to talk about, without doing anything myself. So this is me, mustering up all of my courage, to help anyone out there who has suffered or suffering through any mental illness. • You don't have to suffer in silence anymore. Because Silence is honestly the deadliest symptom of any mental illness. You don't have to ashamed, or scared, or alone, anymore. It is OKAY to ask for help, it is OKAY to say that you are not okay. Because this does not show weakness, oh no, it shows only your great strength. You're strength to CHOOSE to recover, to fight, to lose some battles but win the war, to live. Because you DESERVE to live, to be happy. You don't have to place your worth in your looks, or value yourself by how thin your waist is, or by a number on the scales. Because you are worth so much more than that. You don't have to continue to live consumed by this illness: consumed with the thoughts of food, and restriction, lack of self love, feeling yourself growing weaker, exhausted by the both fighting the mental demons in your head and your body literally dying on you. • Because there is so much more to life, and so much more to you. And you need to see the true beauty of life, and the true beauty IN you. Trust me, I know what it's like. I know what it's like to feel so trapped and truly believe that you would never get of that mindset, that you honestly could never imagine yourself to be ever recovered. But I'm here to tell you that you can. That you can recover. That recover is going to be in no way easy. That it's going to be so damn hard, but it's going to be so damn worth it. And even though you don't believe in yourself right now, we all believe in you.

O postare distribuită de ❄️Mariah ❄️ (@mariahsetta) pe

Problemele lui Mariah au inceput la 13 ani cand a mers la un liceu de Melbourne, unde era inconjurata de tinere slabe si atractive, iar ea la vremea respectiva se considera destul de plinuta.

"Am castigat numeroase premii la scoala, dar nici unul pentru frumusete", a marturisit australianca intr-un clip postat pe contul de Youtube.


Just a random moment of a happy gal appreciating the littler things in life ☺️ Like yesterday, when it's the first day it's the weekend so no work AND IT'S SUNNY ☀️ I would say the bags under my eyes are made of Stella McCartney (because she da real MVP completely vegan designer clothing line) but really they're made of 6am wake up calls and late night editing and trying to jumble 100 things in life ???? but hey, WE STILL SMILING! Sometimes it can be really easy to get so caught up in everything that's going on, that we forget to take a step back and remember just how lucky we are. And even though we may be exhausted (in the best way ????) it's just made me realise how appreciative I am just to be able to wake up every morning, healthy, to be able to work, have a roof over my head, have an abundance of choice of food to eat and like yesterday, to just be living in a city that has the most beautiful beaches and actually go to actually the beach ya know ???????? I KNOW, quite deep for a Sunday arvo but just a comforting reminder when life's not always a beach ???? Kk now off to to spend the last day off watching High School Musical xx Pps. New video of my 21st bday in food and workout from a while ago out now ????

O postare distribuită de ❄️Mariah ❄️ (@mariahsetta) pe

Deranjata de felul in care arata, Mariah a inceput sa se infometeze si sa slabeasca radical, iar oamenii o apreciau si o incurajau, sustinand ca "a adoptat un stil de viata sanatos".

In momentul in care a ajuns sa cantareasca 48 de kg, problemele de sanatate au devenit serioase. "Mi se oprise menstruatia, imi cadea parul, eram mereu obosita", a povestit aceasta.

Refacerea a reprezentat un proces lung si anevoios, iar acum incearca sa incurajeze si alti tineri sa accepte ca se confrunta cu o problema si sa ii ajute.

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